Try These Sumptuous and Luring Parsley Recipes

One of the most popular biennial herbs used in cooking, parsley is commonly added as spice and garnish in many dishes. Aside from potato, rice, and vegetable dishes, the distinct taste of this herb also goes well with chicken, lamb, and fish. Hearty Turkey Soup with Parsley Dumplings, Chicken with Garlic, Basil, and Parsley, and Parsley Spinach Chicken Stew are some of the parsley recipes that everyone should taste. Other sumptuous dishes that feature parsley as a key ingredient are Sliced Potatoes with Bacon and Parsley, as well as Parsley Butter Seasoned Chicken.

Hearty Turkey Soup with Parsley Dumplings

For this parsley recipe, other important ingredients to use aside from this special herb are turkey carcass and chicken bouillon. As spices, people can also include other herbs, like thyme and celery, to improve the flavoring of the dish. In this recipe, parsley is added to enhance the taste, as well as make the dumplings more appetizing and delicious. Even if it requires several hours to prepare and cook, the dish is super tasty and scrumptious.

Chicken with Garlic, Basil, and Parsley

Unlike the first recipe, Chicken with Garlic, Basil, and Parsley is very easy and simple to cook. With parsley, basil, garlic, and chicken as key ingredients, this parsley recipe is surely delicious and satisfying. For seasoning, add salt and pepper to taste. To make the baked dish more enticing, tomatoes can be used as garnish.

Parsley Spinach Chicken Stew

Parsley is used in this special dish to make to enhance its flavor. Other main ingredients in this parsley recipe are chicken, spinach, and potato. Salt, pepper, lemon juice, tomato paste, and turmeric are added to add taste to the dish. Before serving, sprinkle the dish with parsley as a garnish.

Sliced Potatoes with Bacon and Parsley

When it comes to side dishes, people should try Sliced Potatoes with Bacon and Parsley. This special parsley recipe is easy to cook and serve. With potatoes, vinegar, white sugar, as some of the key ingredients, the dish is definitely tasty and luscious. After cooking, transfer the dish to a small bowl and sprinkle with parsley to make it more enticing.

Parsley Butter Seasoned Chicken

A tasty barbecue dish, Parsley Butter Seasoned Chicken uses parsley as a seasoning. Other ingredients to use in this parsley recipe are chicken, breadcrumbs, garlic, mustard, and curry powder. Before putting the seasoned chicken in a grill, make sure to spread it with fresh to add taste to the dish.

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